Unified Sports Registration

Unified Sports and Clubs Registration

Before you Register - Please review the following document!
Unified Sports  - All you need to Know!


High School
Club Danielle Olenik OLENIKD@eht.k12.nj.us
Sport Michael Passante PASSANTM@eht.k12.nj.us
Alder Middle
Club Kim Savino savinok@eht.k12.nj.us
Sport Kristin Hoffecker HOFFECKK@eht.k12.nj.us
Fernwood Middle
Club Christina Kupcinski KUPCINSC@eht.k12.nj.us
Sport  Elizabeth Bird birde@eht.k12.nj.us

Before you Register - Please review the following document ! 

Egg Harbor Township School  District - All you need to Know!

a button that reads 'Register Now' with a 'Powered by FamilyID' stamp on the bottom of it
